Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Get down with the sickness.

This year i promised myself i would try my best going to school everyday unless i was sick, and of course i have to be sick ALL the time, Trying to keep up with the work at privet school is wicked hard but then when you miss a day, it kinda makes it alot worse, especially when you have a day to make it up along with all the other work they give you. Then guess what? i get bellow 70's on everything, i'm not cut out for privet school.
 Of course i was wicked excited to be going and I love that they offer Bible class and Chapel, but that's all that i like there,  I can't do this.
I was hoping that since last year i didn't go to school like ever and i never did work, That this year i would go more and do work, but that's not the problem, its that I just don't have a brain. Every kid that goes to school with me is 10xs smarter then me and that includes the 7th graders...I also need extra help on everything...why can't I just be a little smart, just a little?

This morning my Dad told me that we can't go to the doctors even though we're sick ALL the time, its just that he doesn't have "money" for it i hope he understands that child services could take us away if they ever find out that he doesn't do most of the stuff parents are supposed to do, me and my sister hasn't had a physical in almost 3 years and we're sick all the time, good idea not bringing us to the doctors huh? yeah..totally. 

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

So you love us more then anybody? Yeah, except God.

I thought everything would be alot better once you moved in, but nope i was completely wrong.
You say you love us more then anybody? would be nice if you showed us this so called "love"
 That angry issue of yours that you said you would fix? You didn't.

 We were all so excited to go to Mount Zion this year, and that included you, yes you act like its the best thing that ever happened,  to your friends, but when it comes to us? You act like your not even happy about it.
   Every single morning you rush us out the door when we don't even need to be there till 30 minutes after you bring us, you freak out at us taking 2 more minutes then what you wanted and you talk to us constantly.
You say you understand that our Mom never talked to us and asked us all these questions about our day,and you would respect the space we need, BUT you still don't leave us alone.

  Another thing that pisses me off about you is you say we need faith and we need to be Christians.
You pretty much say we aren't Christians and we don't trust in God. The thing is WE DO & WE WON'T EVER STOP. How bout you trust in God? Yeah if i said that to your face you would probably punch me in the face. Truth is i want to punch you everyday of my life.

Can't you understand? or be patient? or not be angry? No thats just not you.