Monday, December 27, 2010

"i'm sorry, i'm really such a lady"

I lied i'm doing really bad on this write a blog everyday thing, I didn't write one yesterday..oh well.
I've been sick since Christmas eve, and I went almost a month without being sick, I was so proud of myself.
I made so many plans with people this week, I'm hoping i'm all better by tomorrow, that would be cool, I hate how when ever we have a vacation, I have to spend it being sick.
I can't wait till the party at the end of the week, hopefully he goes, so I can get to know him more, and he can get to know me more too, and eventually there won't be awkwardness, I'm starting to like him again, I think I have and obsession with this kid. It would be the best thing ever if I find out he likes me.
Best freaking thing.
I would be the luckiest girl ever.
Kay that's it bye.

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Worst Christmas everrr.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

"Greatest day in history."

I'm am so freaking proud of myself right now.
Today I went ice skating, with Megan and Gloriana, that was pretty fun, but painful.
Then hung out with Megan for the afternoon and watched a movie.
After that we went to the service at my church with My dad, and sister.
Then, I saw the guy I like for almost threes years but stopped liking him, and I started to again tonight.
The thing was I never, ever talked to him or just said a plain hi.
But tonight I talked to him, and I was so proud of myself.
It was awkward, but who cares?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

"Don't go"

I really have to keep up with my blog, I think I'm gonna try my best to post one everyday.
Today was really good, the party was lame since it was our last day before vacation, we had one.
Our teacher forced us to play all these lame games, So instead me and my class, the 8th graders went to the bathroom and chugged energy drinks, we weren't allowed to have them..but shhh! :P
I hugged everybody that meant the most to me, actually I hugged them each almost 3 times haha.
I got home and for some reason my depression got really bad, I hate having depression, I never wanted to have it, but I'm stuck with it, and I don't even take medication. So it gets really bad, I've been good with stopping myself from going to that box and hurting myself, I really hope that these thoughts stopped going threw my head, and I will stop completely.

When We all get back from vacation, I'm sharing my Testimony, Because i feel led to..
So I'll be typing that up all vacation..hopefully I won't back out on this, and maybe some kids will start looking up to me, that's all I really want, is for some one to look up to me, because no ones ever done that before, and I'm not exactly the best person to look up to, but maybe?

Sunday, December 5, 2010



Saturday, December 4, 2010

I thought i was put in this world for so much more.

Apparently I'm not important to my sister anymore.
I thought i was.
And she can't trust me?
i thought we were best friends and really close.
I guess i was completely wrong.
She forces me to tell her whats wrong but when it comes to her being upset she doesn't tell me crap.
People come up to me and ask whats wrong with her.
And i always have to tell them, "i don't know, my sister doesn't tell me crap."
But then again she knows every little thing about me.
All she loves me for is making her food, or buying her food, or getting her stuff or when shes lazy i ALWAYS do that thing for her. That's it I've been used most of my life.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


I wish i could tell somebody about this.
I feel like i should.
No one knows unless My sister told them.
Or i could act like there's nothing wrong with me.

I think i like my friends older brother....and its weird, cause I'm best friends with his little brother.
Also, that was kinda random.
oh well.
 I'm talking to some one right now that makes me smile a lot =)
that was also random.
I guess I'm just a random person today?
That is all.